VT Netzwelt’s agile development approach in product development has emerged us as a trusted and reliable outsourcing partner.

We help unleash our clients the power of design and development to transform their product for the digital world.

Our product engineering services follow proven agile methodologies to provide end-to-end offshore product development to small business, enterprises, Fortune 500 clients.

We believe in innovation and following flexible engineering practices to ensure timely product development.

Outsourced Product Development Services

Our Product Development Services

Product Research Services

Product research

Product research services identify crucial market issues, evaluate new ideas, customer demands, market needs and more to help the enterprise in preparing for successful product design and development. Our expert business analysts are involved starting from research to design, development, and deployment.

Product Design Services

Product design services

We understand that every product has a different purpose and a different target audience. The design is a messenger that conveys the message to its users. We have a team of highly creative and skilled designers who can transform your product into a delightful digital experience.

Product Re-engineering Services

Product re-engineering services

Scale up your existing product with a focus on re-invention. Product re-engineering services let you modify your existing product by adding new functionalities and taking the advantage of emerging technologies. Product re-engineering services also focus on fixing the issues in the existing product.

Product Testing Services

Product testing services

VT Netzwelt offers testing and quality assurance services for your product. Our expert test engineers ensure that your product meets the highest quality standards by rigorously testing your product through functional testing, cross-platform testing, UI testing, load & stress testing, integration testing and more.

Product Launch Services

Product deployment services

Cloud deployment services offer deployment on leading cloud service providers including AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud. Our cloud architects offer architecture consulting and scaling up your business according to your users.

Traversing the Lifecycle of Product Development Process

We follow agile product development within two to four weeks sprints and offer excellent project management tools like JIRA, Asana, Trello, Wrike. As everyone says, communication is the key! We always stay in constant touch with you during the whole Product Development Process. WE ARE YOUR PARTNERS AND NOT VENDORS!
Software Development Process

Makes Us The Buzz of Tech Town

Frequently Asked Questions

What technologies are employed in software product development?
We utilise a range of technologies tailored to each project, including programming languages like JavaScript, NodeJS, ReactJS and frameworks supported in their ecosystemand tools like Git for version control, ensuring efficient and scalable software product development.
What other development services are offered?
What strategies do software product developers implement to deliver ongoing support post-launch?

Our Latest News And Insights

Read more about our latest news posts and be informed

Azure Health Bot Revolutionizing Healthcare AI Over Open AI

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Top AI Trends Shaping the Future of Mobile Application Development in 2024

Reading Time: 12 minutes Did you know that AI is rapidly growing in the mobile industry? By 2027, the worldwide market for mobile apps is projected to reach $673.80 billion.

You are already aware of how AI is transforming mobile application development

To help you understand this growth better, have a look at the graph showing the increasing AI market size in the mobile industry. Get ready to learn more about the exciting world of AI in mobile development!

Farewell to Xamarin: Presenting Different Alternatives

Reading Time: 7 minutes Welcome to our guide on smoothly transitioning your mobile app projects from Xamarin to .NET MAUI! It’s important to note that Microsoft will no longer support Xamarin after May 1, 2024. In this blog post, we will explore the strategies and tips to help you smoothly migrate your projects.