We are a trusted name among entrepreneurs, product owners, first-time founders who have shown their trust in VT Netzwelt and we have delivered beyond their expectations starting from designing, development, testing and launching their MVP.

We follow our established and proven MVP development process with our highly experienced developers to ensure the success of your product.

Get developed a market fit MVP, built on your core idea. Our development services offer in-house QA and testing professional to test the MVP before you show it to your investors.

MVP development process
MVP Development Process
MVP Development Process
MVP Development Process
MVP Development Process

Exploring Our MVP Development Services

Prototype design/POC development

Every project begins with an idea but to demonstrate its potential and feasibility to prospective investors and customers; you need Proof-of-Concept (POC).

We allocate dedicated resources that work closely with you to define the minimum set of requirement to get us to start building POC.

We help you deconstruct your concept by differentiating between the goals/problems of the project idea through our unique brainstorming model.

We offer different types of prototyping services such as –

  • Information architecture
  • Sketches
  • Mockups
  • Wireframes
  • Visual design
  • Actual clickable prototype
  • Quality assurance & User testing

Streamlining Your Minimum Viable Product Development Services

Being 11 years in the industry, we have evolved our development processes and optimized them from time to time to offer our customers a highly efficient and transparent process to build MVP using industry-leading Agile methodologies.

Single feature MVP development

It focuses on building an optimal solution to solve a primary problem. There are chances that if you cannot find that killer feature that makes your product stand out, then there is no fun of adding additional features because it will not make your product a must-have.

Pilot MVP development

After you have identified your key market or the customer segment, then the next step is to quickly launch your product in that market for the initial user testing. Speed and time play a major role here. Our product development specialist will develop the pilot MVP following the leanest path so that you are ready to market in the minimum time frame.

Our MVP Development Process

Requirement gathering

Requirement gathering

In this phase, we have a call with our client to understand the product objective, brainstorming new ideas, and identifying the must-haves to create the MVP. We understand your business model, monetization strategy, and understanding the go to market strategy.

Technical Analysis

Technical analysis

It includes identifying the technical challenges (if there are any) and feasibility analysis. During this phase, we also evaluate the platforms/technology stack/tools.

Preparing blueprint

Preparing blueprint

This phase includes identifying the use cases for the product. We also prepare all the wireframes and visual mockups during this phase of development.

Preparing functional specification document

Preparing functional specification document

During this phase, we try to pin down the functional specification document for the MVP with all the details of the use cases, blueprints, technology stack, and high-level architecture.

The document also provides a complete plan to implement the roadmap and defined milestones.

MVP Development Process

MVP development

During this phase, we set up the development environment to cover the intermediate milestones. We also perform unit testing, functional, integration, and usability testing, along with integration all the necessary analytics tools.

Beta launch

Beta launch

We make sure to cover the complete pre-launch checklist. After that, we deploy the product on production and perform regular analytics for continuous improvement.

Unlock Success with Our Expert MVP Team

The success of your MVP lies on the shoulders of an experienced and motivated product development team who understands your vision for the product. Our MVP development services offer a custom team depending upon your requirement lead by a 10+ year experienced Product Owner. Our typical MVP team includes

Product owner

Product owner

Team leads

Team leads

Scrum master

Scrum master



software architect

Software architect

QA/Software tester

QA/Software tester

UI/UX designer

UI/UX designer

DevOps specialist

DevOps specialist

Next-Generation MVP Development: Setting the Industry Standard

We translate your idea to reality using the industry-leading best practices, including DevOps, Agile, Unit Testing, Automation Testing.
We use stable, industry verified, powerful frameworks, and industry coding standards to develop reusable and maintainable code.
We have integrated Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) process in our organization that enables our developers to push their code and integrates the code with the code of other team members multiple time a day.

MVP Development process

Makes Us The Buzz of Tech Town

Frequently Asked Questions

Is outsourcing an MVP a good decision for startups?
Outsourcing the development of an MVP can be a beneficial decision for startups as it allows access to skilled talent, accelerates time-to-market, reduces costs, and enables the team to focus on core business activities.
What are the top technologies for developing Minimum Viable Products (MVPs)?
Why is a minimum viable product important?

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