Apples’ iOS is one of the most advanced mobile app platforms available in the market with millions of applications available through the Apple app store. VT Netzwelt is a full-fledged iOS app development company with an experienced team of iOS developers offering iPhone app development, iPad app development, Apple Watch app development.

We leverage the power of Swift programming and Objective-C to build better applications and fulfill the customer’s requirements. Our team of iOS developers will assist you at every stage of app development to build beautiful and best-in-class mobile experience for iOS.

Technology Stack

Swift Programming Language
Objective-C development
React Native app development
Flutter app development

Innovation is what defines the mobile landscape and Apple has always been at the forefront of innovation. Our iOS team has always embraced change and incorporated every new feature and technology introduced by Apple.

Our iOS developers follow agile methodologies to deliver secure iOS apps. We have developed iOS apps for a variety of industries ranging from small utility apps to enterprise application development.

We dive directly into your business model to deliver a product that provides unique value. Our developers offer iPhone app development using the latest native & cross-platform tools to deliver impactful apps.

We have been recognized as the top iOS app development company by Clutch. Having more than a decade of experience in the industry, we have delivered 100+ iOS applications keeping the code security the top priority.

iOS App Development For Apple Platform

iPhone app development


iOS ecosystem has defined the ideal mobile environment and pushed the boundaries for smart mobile computing. We offer a wide range of iOS app development services for our global clients. We build and deliver robust and scalable applications for the iPhone.


iPadOS is the latest offering from Apple which offers additional technologies by leveraging the power of iPad using the iOS SDK. Now offer your users a multiwindow experience, add full drawing experiences for Apple Pencil in your iPad application with iPadOS.

iPadOS development
Apple Watch app development


Give your users an easy way to complete quick actions by developing an application for Apple Watch. watchOS leverages the power of SwiftUI and new APIs to deliver robust experience. Now build independent watchOS apps without the iOS counterpart with Core ML and the Neural Engine.


Build beautiful AR experiences for your users with Apple ARKit. With ARKit 3, Apple has introduced Reality Composer – an app that easily let you create AR experiences, RealityKit – a powerful augmented reality framework and Motion Capture which let you track human movement as input to AR.

AR application development

We Deliver The Best iOS App Development Projects

Empower Your Vision with Our Expert iOS App Developers

Our developers stay on the top of emerging trends and work closely with the clients to build better apps. Our developers are committed to quality and security and follow best practices with regard to Apple.
UI/UX design services

The team is design-driven

You should make sure that the iOS team is tightly integrated with the UI & UX design team. While designing an app for the iOS platform, there are a lot of things that need to be considered, and if the iOS team is not fighting for better designs from the design team, then they are not experienced enough to be trusted. The design team should be well versed with UX tools for better interaction design like prototyping & user journey mapping.

QA & Software Testing

The team should be integrated with the QA team

As your app might be running on iPhone, iPad a successful iOS team needs to work hand-in-hand with the QA & Software Testing team. It is crucial for the success of your application that it has a robust testing suite built around the app. It is also essential to understand how they are testing your iOS app. Do they have physical devices lab or they only offer Android app testing through online simulation tools?

iOS App Development Services

iOS product development

Our product development services offer a fully-featured iOS application with a powerful backend developed from the ground up using best coding practices and Agile processes.

Native iOS app development

Most innovative and advanced iOS app development services with our experienced native iOS app developers that help you to accomplish your enterprise needs and boost your sales.

Cross-platform iOS app development

Our team of expert iOS app developers offers cross-platform mobile app development services on the leading cross-platform solutions, including React Native and Flutter.

iOS app optimization

VT Netzwelt specializes in iOS app optimization by offering code reviews, crash data analysis, performance grading to identify the problem areas in the app and optimize them.

iOS app redesign

Our UI/UX designers use best design practices and tools to redesign an iOS app that delivers more impact to your users. Our designers are experienced in design thinking and design-led engineering.

App support & maintenance

Our customized support and maintenance services are refined through extensive client services and supported by our iOS app maintenance team who believes in the problem-solving approach.

Unleashing the Power of Cutting-Edge Technologies in iOS/iPad App Development

MCommerce app development


As smartphones are becoming the most prominent online selling channel, our iOS app developers help you in creating a mobile commerce app that remains in sync with your eCommerce Store. We have worked on some fantastic M-Commerce applications for iOS, build on platforms like Magento, PrestaShop, OpenCart, etc. Enable your business to take a competitive advantage with a broader reach to the market.

Apple Watch app development

Wearable integration

The wearable technology has taken healthcare, sports, enterprises, and many more industries by storm. At VT Netzwelt, we offer advanced custom iOS applications to utilize the potential of wearable technology. We build iOS Wear applications that provide round the clock connectivity on the iOS platform.

Enterprise mobility solutions

Cloud integration

Enterprise Mobility solutions offer enterprise-level applications that provide personalization and security. Our enterprise-level apps ensure sophistication, seamless connectivity, availability, scalability, and security by hosting the apps on leading cloud service providers, including AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud.

Machine learning in Android app development

Machine Learning

Machine learning has completely transformed the way we interact with our mobile devices. We now have more powerful smartphones and now it is time for you to make your app more powerful so that it can learn and react in real-time. Machine Learning will help you make your app more user-friendly, improve the customer experience, and help you maintain customer loyalty. We are using the TensorFlow software library, Firebase ML Kit, and custom Machine Learning models to enhance your app functionality.

Firebase backend-as-a-service


Firebase offers Backend-as-a-Service with the security and scalability of Google Infrastructure. Our developers harness the full potential of Firebase to create an app that utilizes its full capabilities. Now forget about your infrastructure worries and create cross-platform mobile apps with the scalability of Firebase.

Geolocation based app development


Integrating geolocation into smartphones has brought new kinds of market strategies. We build location-based iOS applications that use the latest technologies such as beacons, geofencing, and geolocation.

iBeacon app development

iBeacon integration

IoT has revolutionized the way we use our devices. It has opened new doors of innovation for cross-device connectivity. The technology involves devices like iBeacon and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices. Applications include tracking a table in a restaurant, tracking products at a mall, or tracking kids in school or house with endless possibilities. The technology is a boon for blind individuals as it offers navigation opportunities quickly.

API integrations

Third-party API integrations

Leverage the power of Social Media with fully integrated iOS apps. We offer UI conforming to Apple design. Integration with credit card readers, speakers, TV, and other devices using Bluetooth, NFC, IR. Customized interactive mapping with Google Maps API, Apple Maps API.

Media streaming solutions with Android

Audio/Video live streaming

Our iOS app development services offer media & streaming solutions including video conferencing solutions, cloud-based VoIP calling, real-time chat application, video broadcasting, audio streaming solutions using SIP protocol, Socket.IO, WebRTC, media streaming servers, etc. to deliver apps that help you stay competitive.

Media streaming solutions with Android

CRM Integration

Our experienced mobile app developers offer integration of your iOS app with leading CRM platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho, Pipedrive, MS Dynamics, etc. to name a few. Our integration solutions offer both pre-built integrations and custom integration solutions tailored to your requirements.

Unveiling the Native iPhone App Development Journey

Market Research

Market research
From the idea of the application to Market Research and analyzing the requirements and initial hurdles.

App prototyping

Create a flow of your app with screen transitions and real-time touch events with mobile prototyping.

UI UX design services

UI/UX design
Planning the UI/UX design strategy that addresses the target market demographics and is easy to learn.

App architecture

App architecture
Preparing a working model of the iOS app mixed with UI/UX Design Strategy.

App development services

Developing the frontend and backend of the application based on the app architecture.

Quality Assurance services

Quality assurance
Implementing Test Driven Development and Unit Testing approach for ensuring the best quality always.

Our iOS App Development Portfolio: Excellence in Every Line of Code

We have recorded over 18 million downloads of apps we have built so far and the number is still counting.

Makes Us The Buzz of Tech Town

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you assist with app optimization for different iPhone models and screen sizes?
Yes, we can assist with optimizing your app for various iPhone models, devices and screen sizes to ensure seamless performance and user experience across devices.
Do You Provide Development Services Hourly Or On a Project Basis?
Do you follow the latest Apple design guidelines and development practices?
Android vs. iOS: which application to develop first?

Our Latest News And Insights

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