• Significantly increase your ROI by creating more sales from your existing page traffic (i.e. without any extra expenses).
  • Crucial efficiency optimization before scaling up your advertising budget. Conversion optimization is more cost-effective than spending time on finding more page visitors.
  • We use analytics to track users while they browse your page and identify possible hurdles/blockers that are causing high drop-out rates.
  • Visualize the “user flow” (steps taken by your visitors) as they go through your website before they sign up, make a purchase or inquire about your services.
  • We will offer you advice on how you can better “connect” with your visitors, smoothen out processes and improve the overall customer experience.
Conversion rate optimization in Magento

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Frequently Asked Questions

How is a website’s conversion rate calculated?
A website’s conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the total number of visitors and then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.
What are the benefits of investing in Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) services?
What are conversion rate optimization services?

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